
Camera image annotation.


This module defines an ImageAnnotator class used by to add annotations to camera images received by Cozmo.

This can include the location of cubes, faces and pets that Cozmo currently sees, along with user-defined custom annotations.

The ImageAnnotator instance can be accessed as


add_img_box_to_image(image, box, color[, text]) Draw a box on an image and optionally add text.
add_polygon_to_image(image, poly_points, …) Draw a polygon on an image
annotator(f) A decorator for converting a regular function/method into an Annotator.


Annotator(img_annotator[, priority]) Annotation base class
FaceAnnotator(img_annotator[, box_color]) Adds annotations of currently detected faces to a camera image.
ImageAnnotator(world, **kw) ImageAnnotator applies annotations to the camera image received from the robot.
ImageText(text[, position, align, color, …]) ImageText represents some text that can be applied to an image.
ObjectAnnotator(img_annotator[, object_colors]) Adds object annotations to an Image.
PetAnnotator(img_annotator[, box_color]) Adds annotations of currently detected pets to a camera image.
TextAnnotator(img_annotator, text) Adds simple text annotations to a camera image.
cozmo.annotate.TOP_LEFT = 5

Top left position

cozmo.annotate.TOP_RIGHT = 6

Top right position

cozmo.annotate.BOTTOM_LEFT = 9

Bottom left position

cozmo.annotate.BOTTOM_RIGHT = 10

Bottom right position

cozmo.annotate.RESAMPLE_MODE_NEAREST = 0

Fastest resampling mode, use nearest pixel

cozmo.annotate.RESAMPLE_MODE_BILINEAR = 2

Slower, but smoother, resampling mode - linear interpolation from 2x2 grid of pixels

class cozmo.annotate.ImageText(text, position=10, align='left', color='white', font=None, line_spacing=3, outline_color=None, full_outline=True)

ImageText represents some text that can be applied to an image.

The class allows the text to be placed at various positions inside a bounding box within the image itself.

  • text (string) – The text to display; may contain newlines
  • position (int) – Where on the screen to render the text - A constant such at TOP_LEFT or BOTTOM_RIGHT
  • align (string) – Text alignment for multi-line strings
  • color (string) – Color to use for the text - see PIL.ImageColor
  • font (PIL.ImageFont) – Font to use (None for a default font)
  • line_spacing (int) – The vertical spacing for multi-line strings
  • outline_color (string) – Color to use for the outline - see PIL.ImageColor - use None for no outline.
  • full_outline (bool) – True if the outline should surround the text, otherwise a cheaper drop-shadow is displayed. Only relevant if outline_color is specified.
render(draw, bounds)

Renders the text onto an image within the specified bounding box.

  • draw (PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw) – The drawable surface to write on
  • bounds (tuple of int) – (top_left_x, top_left_y, bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y): bounding box

The same PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw object as was passed-in with text applied.

class cozmo.annotate.Annotator(img_annotator, priority=None)

Annotation base class

Subclasses of Annotator handle applying a single annotation to an image.

apply(image, scale)

Applies the annotation to the image.

enabled = None

Set enabled to false to prevent the annotator being called

img_annotator = None

The object managing camera annotations

priority = 100

The priority of the annotator - Annotators with higher numbered priorities are applied first.

world = None

The world object for the robot who owns the camera

class cozmo.annotate.ObjectAnnotator(img_annotator, object_colors=None)

Adds object annotations to an Image.

This handles cozmo.objects.LightCube objects as well as custom objects.

apply(image, scale)

Applies the annotation to the image.


Fetch a label to display for the object.

Override or replace to customize.

class cozmo.annotate.FaceAnnotator(img_annotator, box_color=None)

Adds annotations of currently detected faces to a camera image.

This handles the display of cozmo.faces.Face objects.

apply(image, scale)

Applies the annotation to the image.


Fetch a label to display for the face.

Override or replace to customize.

class cozmo.annotate.PetAnnotator(img_annotator, box_color=None)

Adds annotations of currently detected pets to a camera image.

This handles the display of cozmo.pets.Pet objects.

apply(image, scale)

Applies the annotation to the image.


Fetch a label to display for the pet.

Override or replace to customize.

class cozmo.annotate.TextAnnotator(img_annotator, text)

Adds simple text annotations to a camera image.

apply(image, scale)

Applies the annotation to the image.

class cozmo.annotate.ImageAnnotator(world, **kw)

ImageAnnotator applies annotations to the camera image received from the robot.

This is instantiated by and is accessible as

By default it defines three active annotators named objects, faces and pets.

The objects annotator adds a box around each object (such as light cubes) that Cozmo can see. The faces annotator adds a box around each person’s face that Cozmo can recognize. The pets annotator adds a box around each pet face that Cozmo can recognize.

Custom annotations can be defined by calling add_annotator() with a name of your choosing and an instance of a Annotator subclass, or use a regular function wrapped with the annotator() decorator.

Individual annotations can be disabled and re-enabled using the disable_annotator() and enable_annotator() methods.

All annotations can be disabled by setting the annotation_enabled property to False.

E.g. to disable face annotations, call'faces')

Annotators each have a priority number associated with them. Annotators with a larger priority number are rendered first and may be overdrawn by those with a lower/smaller priority number.

add_annotator(name, annotator)

Adds a new annotator for display.

Annotators are enabled by default.

  • name (string) – An arbitrary name for the annotator; must not already be defined
  • annotator (Annotator or callable) – The annotator to add may either by an instance of Annotator, or a factory callable that will return an instance of Annotator. The callable will be called with an ImageAnnotator instance as its first argument.

ValueError if the annotator is already defined.

add_static_text(name, text, color='white', position=5)

Add some static text to annotated images.

This is a convenience method to create a TextAnnnotator and add it to the image.

  • name (string) – An arbitrary name for the annotator; must not already be defined
  • text (str or ImageText instance) – The text to display may be a plain string, or an ImageText instance
  • color (string) – Used if text is a string; defaults to white
  • position (int) – Used if text is a string; defaults to TOP_LEFT
annotate_image(image, scale=None, fit_size=None, resample_mode=0)

Called by World to annotate camera images.

  • image (PIL.Image.Image) – The image to annotate
  • scale (float) – If set then the base image will be scaled by the supplied multiplier. Cannot be combined with fit_size
  • fit_size (tuple of int) – If set, then scale the image to fit inside the supplied (width, height) dimensions. The original aspect ratio will be preserved. Cannot be combined with scale.
  • resample_mode (int) – The resampling mode to use when scaling the image. Should be either RESAMPLE_MODE_NEAREST (fast) or RESAMPLE_MODE_BILINEAR (slower, but smoother).


annotation_enabled = None

If this attribute is set to false, the annotate_image() method will continue to provide a scaled image, but will not apply any annotations.


Disable a named annotator.

Leaves the annotator as registered, but does not include its output in the annotated image.

Parameters:name (string) – The name of the annotator to disable

Enabled a named annotator.

(re)enable an annotator if it was previously disabled.

Parameters:name (string) – The name of the annotator to enable

Return a named annotator.

Parameters:name (string) – The name of the annotator to return
Raises:KeyError if the annotator isn’t registered

Remove an annotator.

Parameters:name (string) – The name of the annotator to remove as passed to add_annotator().
Raises:KeyError if the annotator isn’t registered
world = None

World object that created the annotator.
cozmo.annotate.add_img_box_to_image(image, box, color, text=None)

Draw a box on an image and optionally add text.

This will draw the outline of a rectangle to the passed in image in the specified color and optionally add one or more pieces of text along the inside edge of the rectangle.

  • image (PIL.Image.Image) – The image to draw on
  • box (cozmo.util.ImageBox) – The ImageBox defining the rectangle to draw
  • color (string) – A color string suitable for use with PIL - see PIL.ImageColor
  • text (instance or iterable of ImageText) – The text to display - may be a single ImageText instance, or any iterable (eg a list of ImageText instances) to display multiple pieces of text.
cozmo.annotate.add_polygon_to_image(image, poly_points, scale, line_color, fill_color=None)

Draw a polygon on an image

This will draw a polygon on the passed-in image in the specified colors and scale.

  • image (PIL.Image.Image) – The image to draw on
  • poly_points – A sequence of points representing the polygon, where each point has float members (x, y)
  • scale (float) – Scale to multiply each point to match the image scaling
  • line_color (string) – The color for the outline of the polygon. The string value must be a color string suitable for use with PIL - see PIL.ImageColor
  • fill_color (string) – The color for the inside of the polygon. The string value must be a color string suitable for use with PIL - see PIL.ImageColor

A decorator for converting a regular function/method into an Annotator.

The wrapped function should have a signature of (image, scale, img_annotator=None, world=None, **kw)